Friday, May 14, 2010

Creating a Container Garden On My Balcony

Gardening ah, gardening.  My experience thus far with gardening has not been very successful  I've planted in the earth a small veggie garden but have never been successful sustaining the life of the vegetables.  I've had better luck with a potted herb garden that produced a bounty of delicious herbs.  After moving into my new place, I've only had one or two plants on my east facing balcony.  One plant died but my aloe, which I've had since about 2000 or 2001, has been resilient despite my past neglect.  I love growing herbs and the smell of blooming flowers so I decided to add some plants and herbs and to try my hand at container gardening once again. 

Rearranging my balcony furniture created more space but less seating.  The extra room is perfect for the potted gardening that I have planned. In addition to my aloe and born again basil (I almost killed it but it's regrowing) I added another cactus, gardenia plant, purslane, a polka dot plant, planted cilantro and green onions from seeds. I plan on adding a night blooming jasmine to my collection soon and may try growing tomatoes. 

My purpose for rearranging this area of my home is to create a peaceful and inviting place to "just be".  I enjoy sitting outside and watching the birds in the nearby retention pond but what has been lacking besides the bounty of herbs, are the scents, colors, textures, and whimisical ornaments that would make this area a real treat! 

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